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Top 6 Sciatica Symptoms
It is important to understand that sciatica symptoms are not a medical condition in and of themselves. Sciatica symptoms related to back pain is formerly known as lumbar radiculopathy. Lumbar meaning low back and radicular meaning radiating pain and that radiating pain is experienced through the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back all…
4 useful machine exercises for sciatica
If you enjoy the gym and have sciatica this gives you some ideas of gym machine exercises for sciatica. For some the idea of exercising with sciatica may seem like an absolute no no! It is counterintuitive but physical activity is the best medicine for most musculoskeletal ailments and sciatica is no different. Your starting…
Recovering from Sciatica Do’s and Don’ts
One of the most common questions we hear, which we have written about previously is “How Long Will Sciatica Last?”. Recovering from sciatica seems like a near impossible task when it first strikes, and pain is at its most acute. Just moving left or right or sitting or standing is draining. The good news is…
The Fear of Back Pain and Sciatica
The fear of back pain and sciatica can sometimes be as debilitating as the pain itself. Those of you who read my previous blog ‘Pain! The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ will recall how I described the three types of pain. In summary:- Good pain is the pain we feel from physical exertion that…
3 Ways to Overcome Sciatica Pain While Standing
This was a question I was asked recently by one of my patients who was suffering with sciatica pain while standing after a short period of time, as opposed to most sufferers who get sciatic pain after being seated for a period of time. It turned out that they worked at a local supermarket and…
Keep Sciatica After Gardening at Bay
It is that time of year when sciatica after gardening is a very real risk. Often we are full of the winter blues and chomping at the bit to get out there and start tidying up the garden. Even more so now the garden is the only contact with the outside world for many of…
Sciatica and Coughing
It may seem strange to have sciatica and coughing linked together but anyone who has ever had sciatica and a cough at the same time knows that this can be a terrible combination. Indeed, some people have reported the onset of back pain and the subsequent onset of sciatica following a sneeze or a coughing…
Top ten tips to prevent back pain and sciatica
With over 150 million working days lost each year in the UK due to back pain and 15 million people visiting their GP each year complaining of back pain. Anywhere between 2 to 10% of people with back pain go on to develop leg pain related symptoms commonly referred to as sciatica. What can we…
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