Gardeners and Sciatica
With spring in the air I was asked if I had any tips for gardeners if sciatica can sometimes get in the way. There is a tendency for us to get a little carried away once we have got the bit between our teeth and we then wake up the next day with aches and…
Recovering from Sciatica
Quite often, after treating a patient for back pain, I will be asked either “Can I still do ………?” or “What can I do to improve my back? My answers vary depending on the nature of the back injury, the severity and acuteness, the activity they want to pursue, and the status of their recovery.…
Seven top tips to head off an attack of sciatic pain
Unfortunately if you have an attack of sciatica the odds of a repeat episode some time down the line is relatively high. As with all things there are degrees of severity of an attack so the question is; “Are there any warning signs for an impending sciatica attack and if I get them what can…
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Both my wife and I experience sciatic pain, but we didn’t let this put us off the trip of a lifetime. I am lucky enough to have a sister who lives in Vancouver and her daughter, my niece, who lives with her husband and two boys in Calgary. So last year we decided to treat…
Here's to your health in 2018
When we have all finished celebrating, most of us will review our expanding waste lines and make our new year’s resolutions. Some of us will decide to exercise more and to show our determination by joining the local gym. We will sign up for a membership, paying a monthly membership fee which by April is…
Get up, get out, and stretch those legs!
This was regular advice (orders) I used to get from my mother when as a teenager I was lounging about during the Christmas holidays, and to be honest it was good advice that I am passing onto you. As most of you already know sitting for too long is one worst things for aggravating sciatica.…
What’s it like to experience Sciatica?
I was recently asked to describe what it is like to experience sciatic pain. At first, I thought it is a little bit like asking ‘How long is a piece of string?’ But in fairness, for someone who has never had to endure sciatic pain or thinks they might be starting with sciatic pain, it…
Help How Long Does Sciatica Last?
The most common question asked for anyone who has ever experienced sciatica is ‘How Long Does Sciatica Last?’ Most people that have experienced sciatica pain would say that the first time is the worst time! Not because any subsequent flare-ups are less painful, but more because of the shock to the system. The excruciating pain…
Getting Out and About with Sciatica
When I started to write about my experience of coping with sciatic pain, I thought I would take you, the reader, through the day, and as you may recall I changed my mind and started with ‘Going to bed’. I am glad I did because I have recently had great feedback about it, especially my…
Getting through the day with Sciatica
If you have been following my previous blogs, hopefully you will have had a reasonable nights sleep, managed to get dressed and done some gentle stretching. The following blog is about getting through the day when suffering from sciatic pain. For the purpose of this blog lets assume you are over the worst and the…
The Easiest Stretch for Sciatica
Most people when they get an attack of sciatica will Google it and be presented with various methods of stretching that would challenge many a yoga practitioner. Stretching and moving is good and some of these stretches may help to stop any occurrence or re-occurrence of sciatic pain, but they most likely will not help…
Traveling by car with Sciatica
As the vast majority of us have to travel by car, either for work or just going about our daily business, people will tell you that this is one of the worst things to do with sciatic pain. Firstly, just getting in and out of the car can be excruciatingly painful, to say the least.…
Getting dressed with Sciatica
Hopefully after my last blogs you have been sleeping better, getting up in a morning is easier, and that your pain has eased. So, as promised, here are my tips on getting dressed. I found, when I had sciatica, one of the hardest thing to do by myself was getting dressed in the morning, especially…
Getting out of bed with Sciatica
Hopefully after my last blog you have been sleeping better so, as promised, here are my tips on getting out of bed with sciatica in the morning. Making that effort to get out of bed in a morning can be difficult at the best of times, but doubly so when you are suffering with sciatic…
Sleeping with Sciatica
At Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion we want you to have the best chance to recovering from sciatic pain as quickly as possible and there are lots of small things you can do to help you along the way. I want to share my experience of coping with an acute attack of sciatic pain and to…
A Good Massage for Sciatica
I have treated many patients with a massage for sciatica symptoms. They have come to me with severe limps and on one occasion a lady came so doubled up with pain that her husband had to carry her into my treatment room, and she could only lie in a foetal position on the treatment couch.…
How to relieve sciatic nerve pain fast
If you have ever been afflicted with sciatic pain and gone to the Internet for help to relieve sciatic nerve pain you’ve probably come across lots of links like; ‘How to relieve sciatic nerve pain fast’ and ‘Instant sciatica pain relief’ Ask anyone who has ever suffered with sciatic pain whether it went in an…
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