4 remedies you can try to relieve sciatica pain

Sciatica pain impacts upon your everyday activities and can lead to problems with your emotional and mental health. Sciatica pain is caused when pressure is placed upon the sciatic nerve, or when it becomes damaged. This is one of the longest nerves in the body, as it extends from the buttocks down to the feet. Treatments and therapies can help to relieve this pain. Below we explore four remedies for you to try to help relieve sciatica pain.
1. The benefits of massage
A massage can be hugely beneficial in helping to lessen any pain. This is because massage can loosen and relax your back muscles and tissues located near the sciatic nerve, so your lower back and buttocks. This can help to reduce pressure on your sciatic nerve, which then should reduce pain.
2. Apply a hot or cold pack
Hot and cold packs that are applied to the back, buttocks and thighs can greatly help with painful sciatica. The cold pack works by reducing inflammation which is a big factor in this type of nerve pain. Then applying a hot pack afterwards can help increase blood flow to the area, which can also help to relieve any pain.
3. Stretching exercises
When you are suffering from sciatica pain the last thing you’ll feel like doing is exercising, but this can actually be hugely beneficial and help stop those painful symptoms. Although you have to be careful in your choice of exercise, gentle stretches that target the lower back are a good choice, as they can help to loosen any tight muscles.
4. The importance of rest
Although gentle exercise and stretches can help to lessen any pain, it’s also important that you rest as and when you can as this takes the pressure off the sciatic nerve. Just be careful in how you choose to rest and watch your posture. The Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion can help to relieve pain while you sit, as it reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve. This makes sitting for long periods far more comfortable. One thing you should not do is to lie in bed all day as this can actually make painful symptoms much worse and will slow down your recovery. Incorporating gentle exercise into your day with periods of rest in between is a good balance.
I have sciatica but my problem is that my thigh on the side is getting very hard and it gets numb weather I sit stand I don’t feel my thigh please can some one tell me why oh and I’m all so getting lots of calf cramps and yes I drink a lot of water
Numbness and sometimes tingling are common sciatica symptoms. Also cramping and pains in the leg and often in the calf region is common. Cramp due to sciatica is not usually due to dehydration. An overactive and irritated sciatic nerve may cause cramping and pain.
I’ve been dealing with sciatica for years now and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. It’s especially bad during the summer I don’t know why. I’ve been trying to avoid surgery and go only for natural treatments as you mentioned. I’ll have to give stretches a try but I’m afraid I’ll make things worse.What do you think of garlic milk for reducing inflammation around the sciatica nerve? I guess I’ll give it a try although garlic milk doesn’t sound very good ha! Anyways this was a great post, thank you!
Hi Linda,
Glad you liked the post. If you try any stretching just be gentle and do very simple movements. We’ve heard of garlic milk but never tried it. Not fond of garlic or milk so probably not for me:-) Whether it works or not you’ll know when you try. The most important thing it sounds as though it is safe.
Take care and get well soon.