What is the Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion?
The Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion is a class 1 medical device designed to alleviate the pressure on the sciatic nerve while sitting to help with sciatica pain relief. The cushion provides the nerve space and time to heal. By placing the cushion on your seat every time you sit you are able to stretch your sciatic nerve whilst reducing the increased pressure the nerve experiences during sitting. This cushion is specifically designed for people who have sciatica pain symptoms that are particularly aggravated or exacerbated while sitting or seated. It is easy to use, safe and specifically designed for sciatica pain relief.
When can I expect results?
This will vary from individual to individual. Some people report significant reductions in pain within a few days whilst others the improvements creep up on them over a couple of weeks. The first thing everyone notices is they are able to sit more comfortably for longer with reduced pain. With acute sciatica, pain levels can be very high and your nerve is healing slowly so initial effects of the cushion maybe subtle. It is important to use the cushion all the time. At this stage anything that helps take the edge off the pain is a welcome relief. Many people notice a significant difference when they do not use the cushion while recovering. Be patient and use the cushion consistently as you recover.
How the Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion works
Easing pressure while allowing stretch
When you have sciatica the sciatic nerve is hypersensitive to any stimulation. Small amounts of stimulation can cause excessive pain. One of the keys to recovering from sciatica pain is to calm the nerve from over stimulation. Nerves are highly sensitive to the mechanical stimulus of stretch and pressure – both of these stimulae occur when you sit, which is why sitting often is uncomfortable if you have sciatica. Appropriate stretching can be beneficial for sciatica, but stretching while the nerve is under pressure can be painful. The Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion allows gentle stretching of the sciatic nerve while sitting without the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Pressure off the sciatic nerve
Pressure Mapping to show sciatic nerve off loading.

How to use the cushion for sciatica pain relief
The diagram below and to the right illustrates the cushion being deployed to provide sciatica pain relief on the right side of the body.

How you will benefit
Simple to use. Safe and easy to apply regularly to give sciatica pain relief.
When sciatica strikes the simplest things in life can be the hardest things to do. Things like:
In all these situations sitting can be made more comfortable when you are suffering with sciatic pain when you use the Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion. Any help that assists in speeding up recovery is a welcome relief.

Cushion uses

Other sitting pain conditions
The Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion was designed primarily to assist individuals suffering from lumbopelvic radiculopathy syndrome (LRS) commonly referred to as sciatica. This accounts for around 85% of the cases of sciatic pain symptoms. There are other conditions that can cause sciatic pain and although less common than back-related issues can still cause significant pain and affect the quality of day to day life. Conditions where the Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion may also provide some relief are:
If you experience pain or symptoms in the gluteal region while sitting then the Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion may be of help for you.