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Top easy tips and tricks for relieving sciatica pain

Top easy tips and tricks for relieving sciatica pain

Top easy tips and tricks for relieving sciatica pain

Sciatica pain can be debilitating for some people, as the pain extends beyond the spine and into the legs. However, you don’t have to put up with the pain and there are many tips and tricks for relieving sciatica pain that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to lessen the pain related symptoms associated with sciatica. Here are 5 things you can try for yourself:

1. Stretch and exercise in your bed

Treatment can begin before you even get up in the morning and there are several stretches you can perform from the comfort of your plush mattress. When you’re in pain, movement of any kind is the last thing on your mind but the pain relief these initial gentle exercises provide will be worth it in the long run.

2. Use a pain relief cushion while you drive

Driving even a short distance can cause sciatic pain to flare up and this gets even worse when you’re on a long distance journey. Stopping regularly to stretch your legs is one solution, but another trick is to use a cushion specifically designed to treat sciatic pain. They will relieve the pressure on your sciatic nerve so that you can look forward to driving once again.

3. Have a massage

Use your pain as an excuse for a pamper session as a back massage can help you to relax and relieve some tension in your muscles. It doesn’t even have to be a professional massage, light some candles at home and ask a loved one to help you.

4. Swim therapy

You’re much more weightless in the water, which makes it the ideal environment for exercise when you have chronic pain. A gentle swim or even just wading through the water can loosen your muscles and increase blood circulation, all of which can help to reduce your pain.

5. Elevate your knees as you sleep

For some people, sciatic pain gets worse at night, leading to disrupted sleep and unproductive work the next day. Making subtle changes to your sleep routine, such as elevating your knees with a cushion, can drastically improve your sleep quality. This relieves pressure on your nerves giving them a chance to temporarily heal and recover.

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2 years ago

I have now had sciatica for 7 months I find myself sitting and crying because it has taken over my life. The pain goes away when I lie in bed with a pillow between my legs, but I can’t do regular day to day things anymore. I am putting on weight because I can’t exercise and my husband is getting frustrated because when we go for a walk I can’t go far and find myself in tears due to the pain. I’ve been to the doctors three times and they just keep giving me painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills. Not sure how much more I can take plus on HTRT and feeling so unhappy.

Reply to  Julie
2 years ago

Sorry to hear this Julie. Perhaps you could ask your Doctor for a referral to a physiotherapist and/or pain management specialist. It is important to keep some physical activity going so good pain management is necessary and will include other techniques alongside medication. Maybe other walking partners on occasions may take the strain off you and your husband. And try walking for shorter distances more frequently if that helps to reduce the pain. Best wishes.

Twin Creeks Health
Twin Creeks Health
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a informative article for Sciatica. Looking more from your side!!

Christine Stanley
Christine Stanley
4 years ago

I feel like I might be having sciatic pain. I am a runner, and the pain developed about a week ago after a long workout. Lately I’ve been having shooting pain from my hip going down my leg, especially toward my knee. It’s worst right after I stop running; I feel like I can’t even stand up when I stop for a car or stoplight. I haven’t gone to my doctor yet, but I don’t know if I should start running again. Any tips?

Reply to  Christine Stanley
4 years ago

Hello Christine,
The best thing to do is go to visit your Doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. If the pain you speak of is at the back of your leg then it may be sciatica symptoms. If the pain is in the front of your leg then it may be coming from your hip. Best wishes.

Sue Atter
Sue Atter
5 years ago

I think my pain is sciatic pain. This is a new, different pain to me, it began about 2, to 2 and a half weeks ago,.It started in lower back, then moved through buttock, its actually not too bad sitting down, but if i have to go anywhere, even just to the bathroom is traumatically difficult & excruciatingly painful, luckily ? i have crutches, as they are useful, although walking at all is bad, just moving my leg is painful, and putting foot to the floor is excruciating, the pain is made worse by my other medical conditions [Secondary Progressive MS, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, and Hypothyroidism] the first 2 are painful in their own right, so i already take heavy doses of pain medication, – Fencino patches, [had morphine before the fencino, but that made no difference what so ever,] & Gabapentin, are just 2, but they would not really touch this pain. so having spoken to 1 of my GPs today, he explained that apparently they cut off about 8 of the pain receptors, but there is still a couple left, so new medication for that. [Diclofenic] apparently i might see a difference by tomorrow, but i should be having a steroid injection on Sat.. Day to look forward to, i feel. I just hope it works, as this pain is unbearable. I have looked through your list of helpful things, but there was nothing in there which i could do, MS precludes a lot of exercise, even swimming is out , as the MS fatigue sets in, so it looks like medication is all there is for me.
So i am really hoping that the Diclofenic will help, and that the steroid injection will finish it off.

Reply to  Sue Atter
5 years ago

Hope the Diclofenac works for you. Best regards.

Gloria Jones
5 years ago

I find I cannot stand for more than a minute or two. The pain from The back down through my leg is crippling. If I sit I seem to need to put my weight n the opposite side. I take strong pain killers (prescription based) and use iboprufin gel but don’t get much relief.
I have never experienced such severe pain.

Reply to  Gloria Jones
5 years ago

Hi Gloria, sciatica can be incredibly painful, but thankfully for the vast majority of us the pain does subside. Any little thing that helps take the edge of the pain is move in the right direction. We really hope you are feeling better soon.

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