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How to improve your chances of sciatica never returning

How to improve your chances of sciatica never returning

Minimise the risk of sciatica returning

The misconceptions surrounding sciatica are in plentiful supply. Many people believe it to simply be a case of lower back pain, while others link it to any ailment that causes difficulty in someone’s ability to walk and move around. As is so often the case in life, you’ll only truly understand the horror of sciatica pain if you’ve lived through it.

Minimise the risk of sciatica returning

Those who have been struck down with it are all too aware of the sharp, debilitating pain it brings. Thankfully, many cases are resolved with the passing of time. However, it’s important to remain vigilant and do all the right things to ensure that it never returns. It is not always possible to prevent the onset of sciatica, particularly in the case of degenerative disc disease or pregnancy-related back pain.

Going by the hope that you will be fortunate enough to avoid such problems, here, in no particular order, are three changes that, once implemented, will greatly minimise the risk of sciatica returning.

1. Don’t smoke

If you do smoke cigarettes, quit now. If you don’t smoke, carry on with what you have been doing. As you will be well aware, cigarette smoking carries no benefits, be it health or otherwise. Among the plethora of health problems you run the risk of developing as a smoker is sciatica. Smoking can contribute to disc degeneration, which in turn can lead to sciatica.

2. Avoid sitting for hours on end

If you work a desk job, be sure to get up and walk around at regular intervals throughout the day. Staying in the same seated position for large portions of the day is extremely bad for your posture, which can lead to a number of issues, including sciatica. For those times when sitting is unavoidable or absolutely necessary consider investing in a cushion that helps to alleviate symptoms.

3. Exercise every day

Whether this means getting off the bus two stops early, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or buying a gym subscription (and using it!), exercise is vital. Walking at a brisk pace will do wonders for so many aspects of your physical well-being, while toning up your back and abdominal muscles will significantly reduce the risk of sciatica.

If you’re still struggling with sciatic pain, consider using The Sciatic Pain Relief Cushion which gently stretches the sciatic nerve while you’re sitting.

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Lynda Kathleen Bisiriyu
Lynda Kathleen Bisiriyu
4 years ago

Does type 1 diabetes cause a problem when food suggested are very high in sugar ie Apricot

Reply to  Lynda Kathleen Bisiriyu
4 years ago

Hi Lynda,
Looks like you have been reading our blog on diet affecting your sciatica:-). We are not medical doctors so we suggest good sound advice from your Doctor is best for a condition like type 1 diabetes. For sure dried apricots are very sweet and fresh apricots are high in fructose so all sugar intake needs to be managed as part of a care plan for someone with type 1 diabetes. Best regards.

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