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Can your diet affect your sciatica?

Can your diet affect your sciatica?

Can Diet Affect Your Sciatica

If you have experienced sciatica symptoms, you will be all too aware of how painful it can be. You may be looking around for ideas on how to manage it, in the hope of avoiding future flare-ups. An important part of treatment which is often overlooked is what you eat. So, can your diet affect your sciatica? What you consume may have an effect on your symptoms, and a few small changes could bring big benefits.

A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables is something we should all be aiming for. But what is good for sciatica in particular? When sciatica strikes there will be higher than normal levels of inflammation around the sciatic nerve so it makes sense to adjust your diet accordingly to reduce the levels of excessive inflammation in your body. Saturated fats are known to increase inflammation, so avoid fried food, high-fat dairy products, fatty red meats and any processed foods.

This is not to say that all fats are bad – in fact, you need healthy fats in your diet. It’s good news if you enjoy seafood, as trout, salmon and mackerel are all sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which will help your body in the healing process by promoting healthy inflammation. If fish isn’t for you, you can also get these fats from sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds.

B vitamins are important for nerve health, and if your diet is deficient in them you may struggle to heal nerve damage, so if someone experiences sciatica it makes sense to increase the amount in your diet. You can get your B vitamins from a wide range of food including salmon, eggs and mushrooms. Magnesium is vital for good muscle function. Many people that experience cramp are often deficient in magnesium. Some people that experience sciatica complain of muscle spasms and cramps alongside the pain. This is usually due to the oversensitive sciatic nerve. Eating foods rich in magnesium can help to ensure you are not deficient in magnesium and may help in controlling muscle spasms and can improve the symptoms of sciatica. Dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.  You will pleased to know good quality  dark chocolate is rich in magnesium. A diet that is low in potassium is not favourable for sciatic symptoms, so eat dark leafy greens such as spinach, or try apricots and bananas.

Vitamin supplements can help if you are very low on one of the vitamins or minerals mentioned above. Before taking supplements you should do your research and take advice if you feel you need it. The priority should be making some of these small changes to your diet that will bring long lasting benefits, not just for your sciatic pain, but in all aspects of your life.

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1 year ago

Hi. I have had degenerative disc disease for nearly 23 yrs, sciatica in the left leg and a bulging disc. Pregablin 200mg x2 am and pm. It helps but is there any natural supplements? Many thanks, arfa

Reply to  Arfa
1 year ago

Dear Arfa,
Sorry to hear about your DDD. There are many complementary medicines and therapies that people can try. Just type in natural pain relief supplements into Google and you will lots of suggestions. It is important to ensure that there are no contraindications with any current medication that are being taken. A complementary therapy practitioner that takes into account a full medical history would be the best person to give you advice. Best wishes.

Darlene Smith
Darlene Smith
2 years ago

I am 69 a recovering sciatica patient for 10 years now. I have degenerative disc disease and a lower back herniated disc. After 5 years of inactivity due to pain and suffering, therapy, steroid injections, muscle relaxants and pain pills I was on the verge of getting back surgery. My health insurance did not approve it and I was not financially able to afford the cost. They have newer less invasive procedures to correct the herniated disc which can cause a sciatic condition. I finally decided to do some extensive research on my condition and then became proactively involved in my recovery process. After becoming very knowledgeable of my condition and what causes sciatica I started learning to change my daily lifestyle habits to improve the way my body functions. I started a personal fitness routine to slowly strengthen my weak areas and used helpful techniques (my favorite was the McKenzie method) to help take pressure off the nerves that were inflamed due to the herniated disc in my lower back. I also focused on my diet to get healthier and loose a few pounds which helped a lot. My stomach muscles were slacking due to years of inactivity so I watched several YouTube exercise videos exclusively for those with lower back problems which strengthen the core area. ( however keep in mind to begin at a slower pace to prevent further pain). It does work! The supplements I use were all natural ingredients and designed to lower inflammation along with an anti-inflammatory diet on most days. After several years of working consistently to improve my condition I have finally experienced less pain and flair ups! I am now better and healthier without taking harmful drugs like opioids or steroids. I believe the most important thing is to be consistent with some form of gentle exercise daily and go at your own pace until you see improvement no matter how small then you can gradually eliminate the use of drugs and replace them with natural supplements to relieve occasional pain. It might also help to join a pain management program in your area. They can be helpful in treating pain safely and naturally.

Athena Moseler
Athena Moseler
Reply to  Darlene Smith
1 year ago

Great ideas. Can you tell me what supplements you took to decrease inflammation ? Did you go totally gluten free ?
Your info is encouraging.
thank you,

2 years ago

is Colocynthis 30 good for left side sciatica

Reply to  sumith
2 years ago

Dear Sumith,
We have no experience of Colcynthis so could not comment. Best wishes

3 years ago

@ Natiou
My brother who is veg 2 years then vegan past 2 is having the same problem. Pirifomis / sciatica
I think there is relation.
I’ve recently giving him b12 b complex and magnesium supplements to try.
Fingers crossed.

3 years ago

I’m trying to better my sciatic pain from every angle but I’m beginning to feeling that all my efforts are making it worse. I do svaroopa yoga, getting one on one guidance from the instructor, I’ve had deep tissue and Swedish massages once a week and I’ve been to 4 acupuncture appointments already but my pain seems worse than ever! Am I over doing it? I try to walk around my neighborhood but I’m usually limping by the end of the street and have to turn around and go back home. How do I make this pain go away!?!

Reply to  Mary
3 years ago

Hello Mary,
Sometimes we can do too much when trying to get rid of the symptoms of sciatica. One of the issues is when we do lots of things at the same time we can never be sure what makes us feel better or worse. Perhaps you can reduce the number of things you are doing to work out what does or does not help. Being in pain and limping when we go walking is usually a sign we have over done it. The aim is to be active with minimal aggravation of symptoms so perhaps you should try to walk a shorter distance and increase the distance gradually. If you have not had any advice from a Doctor or physio then make sure you consult one. As many options in your armoury as possible with discerning application is order of the day. Best wishes.

4 years ago

Hello, I am. 47 year old woman , vegan since last 5 years, can my diet caused my sciatica? I can barely walk 🙁

Reply to  natlou
4 years ago

Hello Natlou,
It does not matter what your eating preferences are it is unlikely to cause sciatica symptoms. Once you start experiencing sciatica a good balanced diet that helps to ensure a healthy inflammatory response is helpful for not making your sciatica worse.
We hope you’re feeling better soon.

Mr Jatin Maniar
Mr Jatin Maniar
4 years ago

My mother she is 85 years old having sciatica in left leg. Physiotherapist given her exercise but no improvement. She is having too much pain in the leg. Her MRI scan report says impingement of L4 and L5 nerve at L4 root and mild degeneration of disc. Pain started on 20th August it will be now 3 months. She cries because of pain. She is taking Pregablin and paracetamol. She walks few steps with the help of walker then needs to sit.
Acupuncture therapy can help cure sciatica pain?.

Reply to  Mr Jatin Maniar
4 years ago

Dear Jatin,
Sorry to hear about your mother. Some people find acupuncture effective. Whether it will work for your mother or not we don’t know. In terms of the things you can do to try and help acupuncture is relatively safe. The most important thing is for you to continue in your efforts to help.
Best wishes.

Linda Shrewsbury
Linda Shrewsbury
Reply to  SPRC
3 years ago

I’ve found taking folic acid prescription and 2 Vitamin K 2 jelly pills 1000 milligrams each an 1 vitiam C at 1000 milligrams really do help with sciatic nerve pain I’ve been in so much pain I’d scream out crying for days so maybe this will help someone it has helped me along with prayer

Kerry Haitz
Kerry Haitz
Reply to  Mr Jatin Maniar
4 years ago

I did acupuncture. Find someone GOOD.
I went to a guy for two visits. He was very good and it helped. The first day I did not think it helped. The second day I was in much better shape. Then he went out of town for a few weeks. So, I tried another woman I found on line. She was no help. The first day, I was no better but I remembered the first day with the guy I went to, I was no better so I was looking forward to day two. No change. I am going back to the guy as soon as he returns later this week. Also going to ask my regular doctor for an mri. This has been going on too long. My pain is no longer constant , but rather intermittent and lifting exacerbates it.I am in the Dallas Ft Worth area.

Reply to  Mr Jatin Maniar
4 years ago

I have been following a vegetarian diet for a little under 2 years, I truly believe this lifestyle change has helped me completely heal my debilitating sciatic pain, thought I’d share this.

Akhil Kapoor
Akhil Kapoor
Reply to  Mr Jatin Maniar
3 years ago

Best medicine is chiropractor, my mother had same problem. She ate all sorts of pain killers injections in her back all treatment but no gain. Eventually chiropractor helped now she don’t have pain and started to walk slowly.

4 years ago

Hello…I have been suffering from abdominal pain since February last year(2019).Though at times I use to feel some back pains(a burning sensation) like around the spine.Now I feel the pain in the back, stomach muscles and the thigns.Can it be sciatica?

Reply to  Nangula
4 years ago

Dear Nangula,
The symptoms you describe do not sound like sciatica symptoms. We would advise you seek help from a medical professional to accurately diagnose your symptoms. Best wishes.

Reply to  Nangula
4 years ago

I have the same symptoms as you described, and I have spinal stenosis. Your best bet is to seek a medical professional for a diagnosis, and treatment plan.

Mo Cox
Mo Cox
4 years ago

I have read all the questions and answers and have found them helpful. During my chemotherapy sessions, the last of which I had on 23rd July, I have had to take care that I continued with my healthy eating regime. I am not a fanatic but do prefer to eat healthily with occasional treats such as chocolate raisins and chocolate brazils (both in covered in milk chocolate). My sciatica kicked in six weeks ago but I have noticed that eating bananas, salmon, apricots and sardines in oil, nuts and seeds more frequently than before and drinking turmeric tea has eased the symptoms but I still have difficulty walking very far. Lack of stamina after being isolated at home since my operation at the start of March and subsequent cancer treatment hasn’t helped as I have had to adapt to a new restrictive regime. However, I am going to put in more effort with the exercises suggested. One of the side effects of chemotherapy for me has been screaming joint pain which lasts for about five days but the medication provided by the consultant does help. The combination of the joint pains and sciatica pain is pretty unpleasant I feel for everyone who has shared their experiences with sciatica and hope you all find your solution for dealing with the pain. This is not a feel sorry for me comment, I just wanted everyone to know that I have found your comments helpful and encouraging.

Reply to  Mo Cox
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your experience Mo. We’re sure others will find it useful.

Reply to  SPRC
4 years ago

I’m having surgery in 2 days from sciatic pain and discomfort. At times I’ve been in tears from the pain and experienced trips in the ambulance to the hospital to treat the pain. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing agreeing to surgery but because of my symptoms, MRI, CT scan, pain and numbness they have advised it as urgent. I’m scared, undecided and wish o had some support!!!!!

Reply to  Geina
4 years ago

Hello Geina,
Sorry to hear about your situation. You know what you have been through and are going through and deep down will know whether this is the right thing for you. None of us want to have surgery. Nowadays surgery is avoided as much as possible so if it is recommended for you it will be for a reason. It is important to talk to the Doctors/surgeon and let them know how you feel so they can talk you through what is going to happen and why. Then you can decide whether it is for you or not. Best wishes.

Joan matlaga
Joan matlaga
Reply to  Geina
2 years ago

Eliminate sugary foods. Makes pain worse..try homeopathic rhust tox 30c. This is what I have found works for me

Richard John Carpenter
Richard John Carpenter
4 years ago

I was on a flight home from Panama around 4 weeks ago now, and a few days after I arrived I started to experience pains in my right upper leg. I assumed at the time it was some sort of muscular issue and waited for it to go away, but now 3 weeks later it still remains. Now however I a also getting short sharp shooting pains that feel like they are coming from deep within my right bum cheek. I have noticed also that the leg pain is most aggravated when I try to walk when bent over (for example walking under some low branches of a tree). What I have also noticed, is that following exercise (I walk and bike a reasonable amount), it seems to be ok for a while but then comes back even worse. Do you think this may be a sciatica? I have already arranged a doctors appointment but cannot be seen for another 2 weeks.

Reply to  Richard John Carpenter
4 years ago

Hi Richard,
Certainly sounds like sciatica symptoms. You’re doing the right thing by going to your Doctor and getting them to check it out. Best wishes.

bill kay
bill kay
4 years ago

my pain is on the outside of my left calf.
Sometimes I feel it in my buttocks.
I found that ibuprofen helps, but, I am cautioned not take it because I am on Pradaxa.
I would like to know if my symptoms sound like sciatica, and,
what your suggestions to relieve the pain

Reply to  bill kay
4 years ago

Hello Bill,
What you describe sounds like sciatica symptoms, but we would urge you to get formal advice from a health care professional. If you cannot visit one try a telephone appointment. In terms of things you can try our website has many blogs with suggestions of things that may help you. Have a read through and see what might work best for you. Best regards.

4 years ago

Hi All,

Felt I should share my experience in case there are similarities. Im up to my third bout of debilitating sciatic pain. First time lasted for many months, tried all, osteo, physio, needling, acupuncture. All the heavy drugs from the Doctors barley took the edge off. Was in bed most of the time. Second bout I couldn’t lay down, had to kneel over the lounge for 1-2 hours at a time to sleep. Same problem with Pharma drugs, made me sick and barley took the edge off and still couldn’t lay down. Working through this third eposide now but without any pharma drugs. With the second and especially the third episodes besides the normal stresses of work, family and COVID there was a clear link with my gut becoming overwhelmed with too many of the wrong foods which in turn caused massive inflammation. Hence this time I did not take and drugs as whilst it may have helped the pain it also would have made my gut worse causing more pain and prolonged recovery. My lower back and now sciatic being a week point the inflammation has again caused me to be bed ridden – luckily, the time when I couldn’t lay was awful. I am managing it this time with diet only and whilst slow, seems to be working better overall. The product that I turned to on the second bout which worked incredibly quickly ie, days which hasn’t worked as well this time was CBD oil. It was an absolute miracle. Unfortunately it hasn’t been as effective this time but has helped some what.
Apparently various strains work on some conditions better than others. When I originally told my Doctor about it he advised to keep going with it as to get CBD through the medical system was quite difficult.

So after lots of treatments and drugs the only thing that worked for “me” was an alternative therapist and CBD oil, with the support of my GP.

To all those in pain, I hope you find your solution.
Best Regards

Reply to  eddy
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing Eddy,
Making it clear that your approach is unique to you is the key point. It just illustrates that doing your research and trying safe practices will eventually start to yield results. Stay safe.

Trish Blassingame
Trish Blassingame
4 years ago

I’m here to tell you that adding Magnesium to my daily supplements has helped me. I haven’t had a flare-up in 3 years and my last bone density scan shows no decline from 2 years ago.

Thanks for all your articles on Sciatica! I hope to never have a never flare-up.

Reply to  Trish Blassingame
4 years ago

You’re welcome Trish. And thank you for your contribution and sharing your experience.

4 years ago

Husband has severe pain both sides of body, got meds from doctors but still cannot sleep due to pain. Unable to see a doctor nor physiotherapist due to Covid 19. Wanting to do some exercises but too painful.

Reply to  Lyndsay
4 years ago

Hi Lyndsay,
We appreciate that the Covid 19 situation makes things difficult, but if your husband has pain in both legs that are like sciatica symptoms then he needs to advice from a healthcare professional. Try a phone appointment with your Doctor. Also some physios are doing phone consultations. Type ‘phone appointment with physiotherapist’ in Google and see if there are any that are willing to assist. We hope your husbands pain starts to subside soon. Best wishes.

4 years ago

HELLO..I have sacitica pain. In the morning I have severe PAIN in my right right hip and lower part of knee .pindli and foot

Reply to  Kusum
4 years ago

Sorry to hear that Kusum. Maybe some of the tips in the following blog might help you to get going in the morning.
Best wishes

Rowena Janias
Rowena Janias
Reply to  Kusum
4 years ago

Feeling same here right butt, side thigh, side legs down to my ankle… it’s really painful.. I do not take pain relief because it may damage my internal organs like kidney etc.. I want a long time cure not short term… I will try the high potential therapy unit machine…

Rita T.
Rita T.
4 years ago

My pain only comes on at night.
which effects my left leg.
Is walking especially up hill
put a strain on it?
I never seem to have pain during the day.

Reply to  Rita T.
4 years ago

Hi Rita, it’s good you’re staying active with your walking. Physical activity is one on the best things to help recover from sciatica. We’ve written about this here. Pain during the evening is common as the weight of the day bears down on us. Stay active but review how much you are doing. Little and often can work well and reduce strain on the body. Take care.

4 years ago

I would like to ride a bike can you suggest a good bike seat

Reply to  dd
4 years ago

Unfortunately we’re not experts in cycling so probably can’t help there:-) Probably the softer the seat the better. What would help is limiting the periods of time to cycling so that you are not sitting for too long and building up slowly as you recover and get stronger. Stay safe and good luck with your cycling.

Deb Armstrong
Deb Armstrong
4 years ago

I have developed a small red rash on the sciatic buttock . What could this be ?

Reply to  Deb Armstrong
4 years ago

Hi Deb,
The sciatic nerve runs through the buttock and is deep within the buttock not near the surface. It is unlikely that the rash is anything to do with sciatica, but if you’re concerned about it your Doctor will be able to advise. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Reply to  SPRC
4 years ago

Hello, my pain comes in the evening and radiates from my buttock and travels down towards the top of my ankle. However, my skin also feels sore along this path. Is this a common symptom as well? Thank you in advance.

Reply to  Erica
4 years ago

Hi Erica,
The nerve that supply’s the muscles also supply’s the skin so it is fairly common to have skin sensitive to touch that feels sore along the nerve path. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Mary Jo Pettengill
Mary Jo Pettengill
4 years ago

Is low fat yogurt okay with inflammation? thanks..

Reply to  Mary Jo Pettengill
4 years ago

When ever anything is low fat they often are high in sugar. Check to see how much sugar is in the product. Too much sugar is not good for you and will not help to reduce inflammation.

Reply to  SPRC
4 years ago

I am having a localized lower left back pain first thing in the morning.It later disappears after an hour or two after getting out of bed.If I manage to sleep on my back thru out the nite I wake up with no pain.If I just sleep on the left side I definately wake up with pain on the same position.Tried pain killers no luck.Please help.

Reply to  Palesa
4 years ago

First thing to do is to seek advice from your Doctor or a physiotherapist who can take a full history and examine you. Even if they cannot examine you a phone consultation with a full history will be a great help. You don’t mention any sciatica symptoms and the pain subsides through out the day so perhaps a few gentle stretches may help. This article shows a gentle stretch for the lower back that might help.

4 years ago

This information was very helpful. Thanks

Reply to  Brenda
4 years ago

You’re welcome Brenda:-)

4 years ago

I am eating spinach, with mushrooms and onions, would that help me?

Reply to  ReneeJuarez
4 years ago

Certainly should not do you any harm. All healthy foods that can do you good. So if it is not hurting assume that it is helping:-) Get well soon.

Reply to  ReneeJuarez
4 years ago

Would smoking weed or doing psychedelics effect me bad if I have scatica?

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

It may do. Best option is not to try. Stay safe jay.

Dee McCoy
Dee McCoy
Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

Ok I eat bananas atleast daily or almost daily and eat alot of chicken and drink water or sugar free tea.
Please tell me what I can do to help with the pain to where I can barely walk or sit.
Thank you
Dee McCoy.

Reply to  Dee McCoy
4 years ago

Sounds like you eat pretty healthily Dee. In terms of what to do help with your sciatica there are many things you could try. Too many to cover in a short comment here. Best thing to do would read through our blogs. There are many ideas for you to consider there. Take care.

Mark Kennedy
Mark Kennedy
Reply to  Dee McCoy
4 years ago

Hi Just had operation on my L4L5 I had rods and screws. Things were ok a couple weeks ago but now pain in my buttocks and down my right leg when l walk or sit

Reply to  Mark Kennedy
4 years ago

Hello Mark,
You’re very early days post operation and should still be under the care of your surgeon. You need to let them know these symptoms have are here so they can advise you properly.
Best wishes

James Popovich
James Popovich
Reply to  ReneeJuarez
4 years ago

My sciatic nerve damage hit the other day to where I thought someone lit my knee on fire and 10 thousand volts of electricity was hitting over and over, I was screaming at the top of my lungs frozen and couldn’t move. I been eating processed foods for years every day, if I eat what you suggested will my sciatic nerve damage get better?? I never knew a human body can feel pain like this!!!!!!!!!

Reply to  James Popovich
4 years ago

Hi James, eating healthily is going to be good for you in every way. If you have sciatica eating healthily alone won’t make it go away, it is part of a number of things you need to do. Get advice from a healthcare professional who will advise you on exercises that help and things you can do to help you recover. Get well soon.

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