Managing sciatic pain in cold weather

As the weather turns colder and the leaves start to fall, people with sciatica pain often feel their symptoms become worse and more difficult to manage. Although many studies have been done to ascertain links between increased pain and cold temperatures, most have been inconclusive. But there are many other associated factors which could be affecting your body and its ability to cope with sciatic pain in cold weather.
When it’s colder, we often do less, our muscles react to cold by tensing and the busy time of year can cause us additional stress. We want to help you manage your sciatic pain and have some handy tips to stay warm and active during the autumn and winter months, meaning you can get on with your life and enjoy the crisp weather.
Keep moving
When we stay still for long periods of time, our muscles stiffen and are more prone to spasms. During colder months it might be tempting to stay inside. Try to get out for short, regular walks to keep your muscles working and supporting the rest of your body. If you’re worried about falling, ask a friend to come with you.
Wrap up
Wearing the right clothing will help your body temperature stay regulated and keep blood flowing. Wear several loose layers of clothing and if you’re heading out, make sure you wear appropriate footwear for the weather. Natural fibres are excellent insulators, so consider wool socks to keep the chill at bay.
Keep calm
The festive period can be stressful. It’s also a time when injuries at home are very common. Try to take your time and consider your condition before undertaking any big tasks. Always ask for help if you’re worried a task could cause you additional pain. Muscle tension over prolonged periods may exacerbate your symptoms so make time to relax in a way that suits your needs.
Managing a pain condition at any time can be difficult. If you need help or advice, ask for it. You don’t need to suffer alone with sciatic pain. Whatever you need, there will be a treatment option for you.