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Getting out of bed with Sciatica

Getting out of bed with Sciatica

Getting out of bed with sciatica

Hopefully after my last blog you have been sleeping better so, as promised, here are my tips on getting out of bed with sciatica in the morning.

Making that effort to get out of bed in a morning can be difficult at the best of times, but doubly so when you are suffering with sciatic pain.

When I had an acute attack of sciatica I always started with some gentle exercises of my ankles and lower legs while lying in bed, as getting the joints lubricated with synovial fluid before putting weight on them reduces the pain of stiff joints when getting up. The following stages described below is what worked for me. There is much in there that is safe and potentially beneficial for anyone who is gong through experiencing sciatica symptoms. That said, if there is anything that is contrary to any healthcare provider guidance leave that part and try something else.

Stage 1

  • Lying flat on my back with a pillow under my knees to reduce the pull on the sciatic nerve, I would start by just gently pointing my toes away from me and then pulling them back towards me repeatedly for at least ten repetitions.
  • This was then followed by rotating my ankle joints clockwise for ten reps and then anti-clockwise again for ten reps.
  • Next, keeping my feet and knees together, and keeping my heels on the bed, I would bring my feet back towards my backside for as far as I could without causing pain (forget the ‘no pain no gain’ mantra – you don’t want to aggravate the nerve)
  • Next I slowly and gently would sway my knees from side to side, letting them go as far as they could before I started to feel the twinges of sciatic pain.
  • I also found, whilst doing these exercises, that by keeping my head flat on the bed this helped to keep the pain at bay. If you tilt your head forwards this pulls on the sciatic nerve and causes pain.
  • Next I would bring the knee on my good side (left, in my case) up as high as I could towards my chest, and then repeat on my painful side (if possible, before I felt the first twinge of sciatic pain; remember that pain is bad!!).

So now I would have loosened my lower back on to stage 2

Stage 2

  • I would ball my fist and place it under the buttock of my painful side and let it press in to the piriformis muscle, which runs across the middle of the buttock. This helps to relax the muscle, which can be the culprit in causing sciatic pain, because when it is in contraction it presses on the nerve as it passes through the buttock. If this increased the pain then I would stop!
  • Usually by now I was feeling ready to get out of bed, and to do this I would roll onto my side with my arm and hand under my thigh, so that as I swung my legs off the bed I would press my thigh against my hand, and my arm into the bed which would act as a lever and assist me in sitting up on the edge of the bed.

There it is a simple routine for getting out of bed with sciatica. What could be simpler to try and get the day off to a better start. Again, I hope this proves helpful to you, and in my next blog I will give tips on getting dressed, which can be extremely difficult if you have no one to help you put your socks on!

Regards for now,


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1 year ago

I’ve tried a variation of this but it is still extremely painful and makes me cry every morning getting out of bed. I will try it step by step from your guide. Can I ask – is it best getting out of bed on the side your pain is or the opposite (for me the pain is in my left buttock, and I’ve been rolling onto my right side to get out of bed, so the left is on top) and it’s still excruciating

Cheryl Russell
Cheryl Russell
1 year ago

Thank you for this,I dread getting out of bed,never had pain like it.I am trying these movements now.

Susan Quinn
Susan Quinn
1 year ago

Thank you! I lay in bed every morning dreading getting out of bed. Now I can get out of bed without almost passing out from pain. ¹

Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
3 years ago

I am fortunate that I do not have pain radiating down my leg but left buttock pain can be excruciating when turning in bed and then getting out of bed. Greatly reduced if before getting up I raise my knee up toward chin for 15+ seconds and then keeping weight well balanced for first few minutes when walking. Told it is piriformis muscle issue but cortisone injection did not help.

Jan Reissenweber
Jan Reissenweber
3 years ago

Thank you so much! I am so happy to have stumbled upon this blog while looking in desperation for help in getting out of bed without excruciating pain in my right leg. These stretches, and especially the fist pressure under the bum ( on the bum side ) allowed me to get out almost painlessly for the first time in 6 weeks! If I could add one thing that worked for me- Make sure your spine is straight before you stand. I use a walker to get up and if I really make sure my back is straight beforeI stand up, it helps me a lot. Hope that helps someone else! You are a godsend!

Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
3 years ago

Do not get much pain with sciatica laying in bed but when I put my feet on the floor when getting out of bed the pain is so bad what is the best way to easy the pain in the morning.

Rich Stonhold
Rich Stonhold
3 years ago

Thank you for your suggestions. Developed sciatic pain in left buttock on Sat 27 Feb. This for 3rd time in 3 years.; on previous 2 occasions went to private physiotherapist; of great help. But physio closed due to Covid19 at the moment. Cannot get in to bed as too painful, so have been sleeping in chair last 5 nights. Do remember some standing exercises which I have ben doing; also one sitting down one. But cannot get down to lie on floor as too painful. I take paracetomol which gives 50% pain relief. Do you have any more standing or sittting exercises? I am aged 78.

4 years ago

I had sciatica from an injury from the last week, and have not been able to sleep at all until I found your guide! This is by far the most helpful set of instructions on how to get out of bed pain free. Very much appreciated!

Harikrishna Kotapalli
Harikrishna Kotapalli
4 years ago

Thanks a lot. This helped me get out of bed today with out much pain. Good bless you.

Reply to  Harikrishna Kotapalli
4 years ago

Thanks for these blog posts. Most helpful and relived I’m not the only one with the pain.

Peggy davalos
Peggy davalos
4 years ago

Big help, thank you.

5 years ago

Am alone and laid in bed on my third day of severe sciatica. Couldn’t get out of bed so I decided to google help. Within 15 minutes of reading this blog I was up and out of bed. Thanks for this wonderful help, you’re a life saver!

5 years ago

Thank you so much for this!! I’m on holiday right now with my first experience of sciatica! This morning it took 10 mins of agony trying to get out of bed, tonight I’ve bookmarked this page ready to try out what you’ve suggested. Thank you again 🙂

Betty Blakely
Betty Blakely
6 years ago

Thanks…I just have sciatic pain when I get out of bed,. Lifting my body up to stand with walker

Kalpana mall
Kalpana mall
Reply to  SPRC
3 years ago

I am suffering from severe sciatica pain . I find very difficult after getting out of bed in the morning. Very nice tips .I will try these .

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